Saturday, November 10, 2012

Help Needed:Video Game update Pre-Christmas Shopping

I heard a parent recently tell me that video games were bad for kids.  At least that is what they were told by a therapist.  That comment is too general for my taste.  In my experience, it has more to do with the supervision of the type of video game, the amount of time playing video games, and whether the child has other outside activities and behaviors.  Common sense tends to prevail on these sorts of things.  

1) Here is a suggestion no one bothers to heed:  Don't put the video games in bedrooms. Get them out where you can see what they are playing and doing. 

2) Do use learning and problem solving software. Unfortunately my repertoire of these is sadly out of date. 
Please help me update this by posting a comment below.  Here are my favorites from days of yore. 

a) Freddie Fish
b) Kid's Chess
c) Pajama Sam
d) Sponge Bob typing.
e) Mavis Bacon typing.
f) Rosetta Stone Language Software
g) Nancy Drew 
h) Google Sketch-up

3) Please limit time on computers and video games. 
4) Please closely monitor any online gaming activity.

I will be doing some research and trying to summarize it in human terms. 

Please, please help me update current learning and problem solving software.


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