Part 2 of Bedtime Misadventures.
Yesterday I discussed the development of fear in 4 year old children. A caution was given against using time outs at bedtimes, to try to stop the misadventures of children, repeatedly, getting out of bed because of fears and to get your attention.
Bedtime routines before the out-of-bed misadventures begin can help. Getting the bedtime routine done starts early. If you wait until bedtime to start, it's too late. Now you will be trying to get them through a bath when they are already tired and grumpy. Don't forget to give them attention all through the routine, from brushing their teeth to getting their sippy cup filled with water to the bedtime story. For Pete's sake, no rated PG, PG-13, or R rated movies for this age before bedtime. (Rarely in my office do parents report their kids having nightmares. "No, he sleeps fine," inevitably, the child reports to the parent's surprise that he has nightmares and can draw a picture of the monster, without seeking attention. It's not shocking then, that the seemingly innocuous PG movie has upset them). If they are having night fears, arm yourself with monster spray and flashlights and teddy bears. Spend some time in the room settling them down. Better to fall asleep in their bed, then have them fall asleep in your bed. (Not everyone agrees with this due to personal beliefs and cultural differences, but once you start having them sleep in your bed, be prepared to have them between you and your spouse for the next 5 to 8 years) Then, leave and be prepared to quietly and firmly escort them back to bed when they come looking for you.
Part 3
Bear Hugs!
I was just having fun,
when mommy said; "Okay, now its time for bed"
Pj.'s and potty, bath and drink
I brushed my teeth,
Then off to my bedroom,
I did slink.
Mom turned off the light.
The dark closed in tight!
The door shut hard and I heard a noise!
Was it a dragon, playing with my toys?
I opened my eyes, you know what I saw?
A big ol' Bear reaching out his paw!
I closed my eyes, you know what I seen?
That big ol' Bear bit me right in my ... dream!
Hey! said a big voice, Are you alright?
It was my Pa, home for the night!
He gave me a kiss and said "I love you."
I gave him a bear hug, "I Love You Too."
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