"Love dropping" is a phrase that needs defining. It is not a 70's expression of free love. It is not the time you wasted on an ex boyfriend or girlfriend. It is the choice you make to see the trail of messes left by your child in a more positive light. It is your alternative to ranting about the piles of clothing, toys, hair bands, glitter, books, or instruments that your child has strewn behind them.
If you can adjust your attitude from thinking about the piles of .... stuff(?) your children have left to considering the love droppings your children have left, then you may be calm enough to do an intervention. The most successful intervention I have found is the "doesn't belong box". The doesn't belong box is a tub or box that is placed in a central location. Stuff(s), I mean love droppings, are placed in the box to keep from walking all over them. At least once a day, when the time is convenient for you (like when your child wants to watch TV or go to a friends house) the child needs to empty the box. I didn't invent this idea. It comes from the book "Playful Parenting" by Weston and Weston.(http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/160910.Playful_Parenting). Weston and Weston suggest auctioning off (in exchange for work jobs) items not cleaned out of the doesn't belong box. I haven't tried that element much but I'm told it works well.
So, if you are tired of tripping through your house and want to clear a path, this is the tip for you. Decorate a box with your kids and pile their s...tuff in it. You know the song: "Love will make a way, where there seems to be no way?" Take it literally!
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