Gambling is not really a great metaphor for parenting. I don't much like gambling. I would rather have a sure thing, than throw my money away on long odds. Most of us would like our parenting to be a sure thing. We want to know, that the things we do as parents will work. We don't want to think that there is risk for our kids. Naturally, life is full of risks. Nothing I tell you can eliminate that risk. Fortunately, I can tell you that you don't have to play the gamblers odds. "You Are the House," you get to play the house odds. You get to set the rules in your favor. The trick is setting the rules so that you win most, but not all, of the time
The odds represent hope. The problem with casinos is that they provide false hope. People become addicted to the thrill of that hope. Hope is a powerful force. As parents, you get to provide real hope. As parents, every day is not a trap of lights and bells and whistles to draw in your children. You do however get to reward your children. I'm not talking about money or buying stuff. I'm talking about stuff that really matters. Time and your attention are the best rewards. Every kid will be drawn in by gifts and money. The best reinforcement comes, when the child gets to pick an activity, to do with the parent. They get to pick the game or even the vacation that the family spends. They have to know what the options are ahead of time. It is good to make a list and put it on a big board, just like the casino's do. Unlike the casino, we don't rate the odds. We just pay out.
After all, the only real gamble here is on Love! I like those odds.
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