Saturday, September 1, 2012

Some Truly Magical Words!

You can use "abracadabra" and "wingardium leviosa" as much as you want. Neither is half as magical as good ol' fashioned  please and  thank you! We learned to say these magic words when we were very young.  We also learned to use the phrase "you're welcome."  I hardly ever hear that one anymore.  My Grandma Florence always said "thank you ever so much" and seemed to always make it mean so much more than a mere thank you.

Another magic word that is important to teach your child is "okay."  It is so magical the way that word ends arguments.  As a parent, you want that word to be magical.  So you give it power.  What power should I give it, you may ask?  When you hear your child say "okay,' immediately stop the lecture.  It doesn't matter if you think they don't understand.  Stop lecturing immediately!  If they don't get the point it will show up in their behavior so you don't have to keep talking, just stop.  Pick up the lecture again the next day and the next day after that. You want to reinforce their behavior of being agreeable and not arguing!  I could go on but I will assume you just said okay and stop. :)

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